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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Prasanta Kumar Padhi

Assistant Professor of English

Qualification : MA (BU), MPhil (BU), PhD (UU), PGDTE(CIEFL, Hyd)

Specialization : Black American Women Writing, Indian Writing in English, Cross Cultural Communication, Soft Skills

MA (BU), MPhil (BU), PhD (UU), PGDTE(CIEFL, Hyd)

Black American Women Writing, Indian Writing in English, Cross Cultural Communication, Soft Skills

* Worked as a lecture of English in Orissa Engineering college from 23rd March 2001 to 11th October 2006. * Worked as an Assistant Professor of English in Ajay Binay Institute of Technology from 12th October 2006 to 14th October 2009. * Worked as an Associate Professor of English in Orissa Engineering college from 15th October 2009 to 29th October 2016. * Presently working as an Assistant Professor of English in VSSUT, Burla from 2nd November to till date.

Graduate Level : * Taught Communicative English, English Communication Skills, Business Communication to Under Graduate Engineering Students. * Business Communication Skills Lab, Digital Language Lab and Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Corporate Readiness Lab for under Graduate Engineering students. * Conducted pre placement and soft skills training for engineering students to groom them professionally for better career opportunities.

* American Literature * Business Communication * Indian writing in English * Soft Skills

Ph. D. Candidates : Four research scholars have registered for PhD
* Life Member ISTE * Life Member Rotary Club

International Publications

  1. Padhi, P. K., et al. "Shifting roles of Women through the Lens of Indian Popular Media" in International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention. Vol. 10, No. II, 2023, ISSN. 2349-2031 p. 7742–48 DOI: 10.18535/ijsshi/v10i02.07
  2. 2022
  3. Padhi, P. K., et al. "Integrating Soft Skill Training in Professional Courses for Sustainable Employment: An overview" in BOHR International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. Vol. 1, No. 1, 2022, p. 17–24 DOI: 10.54646/bijsshr.0001
  4. 2021
  5. Padhi, P. K., Bidya Singh. “Diasporic love and identity: the case of displaced during the Partition” in Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), Volume 6, July 2021, (SCOPUS indexed),e-ISSN 1309-6591 , Page No. 6072- 6077.
  6. Padhi, P. K., M Aishvarya. “Neopagan and Reconstructionist Spirituality and Religion in Australia” in Kala: Journal of Indian Art History Congress, Volume 25, No-10, 2020- 2021, (UGC Care indexed) ISSN- 0975-7945, Page No. 26-32.
  7. 2020
  8. Padhi, P. K., Bidya Singh. “Bridging the Self and its Identity Through the Works of Vikram Seth” in International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 03, 2020 (SCOPUS indexed), ISSN:1475-7192, Page no.- 1978-82.
  9. Padhi, P. K. “Life Skills Through English” in UGC CARE Listed Journal Our Heritage, Volume-68, Issue-30, February 2020, ISSN: o474-9030, Page no.- 6838.
  10. Padhi, P. K. “An Empirical Study of Robert Frost’s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” in UGC CARE Listed Journal Our Heritage, Volume-68, Issue-1, January 2020, ISSN: o474-9030, Page no. 10575.
  11. Padhi, P. K., Avisek Pattnaik. “A Journey of Africa through the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad as an Outsider and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe as an Insider” in Journal of Critical Reviews, Volume-7, Issue-2, 2020, ISSN: 2394-5125, (SCOPUS indexed), Page no. 167.
  12. 2019
  13. Padhi, P. K. “A Critical Interpretation of Black Humour in Charles Wright’s The Messenger and The Wig” in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Volume-8, Issue-4, November 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878. (SCOPUS indexed), P- 7328
  14. 2018
  15. Padhi, P. K. “The Relevance of Reading Literature in the 21st Century” in International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering (IJMTE) Volume-8, Issue-IX, September 2018, ISSN:2249-7455, P-2089
  16. 2017
  17. Padhi, P. K. “Indian Campus Novels: An Emerging Genre in Literary Writing” in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Volume-22, Issue-II, Ver.7, November 2017, ISSN: 2279-0845, Page no. 1-8.
  18. Padhi, P. K. “An Analysis of the Teaching Objectives of English for Communication Prescribed for Engineering Students Under Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology” in Researchers World, an International refereed research journal, Vol.– VIII, Issue –2(10), April 2017, ISSN: 2231- 4172, Page no-56.
  19. 2016
  20. Padhi, P. K. “The rising importance of Cross cultural communication in global business scenario” in Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science (Quest Journals), Volume-4, Issue-1, 2016, ISSN: 2321-9467, Page no-20-26.
  21. 2015
  22. Padhi, P. K. “A Study of Celie’s Emancipation in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple” in International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI), Volume-4, Issue-2, February 2015, ISSN: 2319-7714, Page no. 1-5.
  23. Padhi, P. K. “The Growing Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace” in Sahitya Anand: An Inter-Disciplinary Referred International Research Journal, Vol – I, Issue – 12, ISSN: 2320-5075.
  24. 2014
  25. Padhi, P. K. “English Competency: The need of the hour for Engineering students” in International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities (IJELLH), Volume – II, Issue VIII, December 2014, ISSN: 2321-7065, Page no -207.
  26. Padhi, P. K. “The Emergence of Black Literature and the Tragic Portrayal Black Women in the Slave Narratives” in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Volume 19, Issue 11, Ver. IV, Nov. 2014, p-ISSN: 2279- 0845, e-ISSN: 2279- 0837, Page no. 23-28.
  27. Padhi, P. K. “Thematic Concerns in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God” in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Volume 19, Issue 9, Ver. V, Sep. 2014, p-ISSN: 2279- 0845, e-ISSN: 2279- 0837, Page no- 48-52.
  28. Padhi, P. K. “The Rise of Feminism and the Growth of Black American Women” in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol-19, Issue-7, Version- IV, July 2014, p-ISSN: 2279- 0845, e-ISSN: 2279- 0837, Page 38-42.
  29. Padhi, P. K. “Black Woman: The Dehumanized and Objectified Self in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple” in Researchers World, an International refereed research journal, Vol- V, Issue- 3(I), July 2014, p-ISSN: 2231-4172, e-ISSN: 2229- 4686, Page no- 41.
  30. Padhi, P. K. “Soft Skills: Education beyond Academics” in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol-19,Issue-5, Version- VI, May 2014, p-ISSN: 2279-0845,e-ISSN: 2279- 0837, Page no- 01.
  31. Padhi, P. K. “Toni Morrison’s Projection of Black Womanhood through Pecola and Sethe in The Bluest Eye and Beloved” in Researchers World, an International refereed research journal, Vol- V, Issue- 2, April 2014, p-ISSN: 2231- 4172, e-ISSN: 2229- 4686, Page No-143.
  32. 2012
  33. Padhi, P. K. “The Influence of Slave Narratives on the Black Women Writers” in Thematics, A peer reviewed international research journal of English studies, Vol – 3, Issue-1, Jan 2012, ISSN: 0975-8313.

International Conferences

  1. Participated in the International Conference on Recent Advancements in the areas of Science, Technology, Business, Economics, Management, Social Sciences, Humanities & Travel-Tourism organized by Indian Academicians and Researchers Association in association with Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand on 9th December 2022.
  2. Participated in the International Convocation of Forum of Educators and Scholars of Tourism(FEAST) held at Chandigarh on 12 and 13th October 2002.
  3. Presented a paper titled “A Study of Self Identity in the Early Indian Novels” in the International Seminar on Revisiting Early Indian Fiction: Representation of Reading, Writing and Society held at Karanjia Autonomous College, Orissa on 22nd November 2019.
  4. Participated and presented a paper titled “Life Skills Through English” in the International Conference on English Studies Across and Beyond Borders (ICES,19) held at Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Jalandhar from 6th to 8th March 2019.

National Conferences

  1. Participated in a Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Academic Writing conducted by Sri Sri University on 25th May 2020.
  2. Participated in a 3day webinar FDP on Digital Era of Teaching conducted by Diksoochi, Mysore from 11th to 13th May 2020.
  3. Participated in a faculty development program programme on Outcome Based Education Software under mentorship of VM edulife
  4. Participated in GIAN course on Comparative literature for the Twenty First Century held at IIT, Bhubaneswar from 6th December 2017 to 16th December 2017.
  5. Participated in a National Seminar on Publishing and Editing conducted by PG Department of English, Utkal University from 28 to 29th March 2014.
  6. Successfully completed a Short Term Training Program on Organized Problem Solving and Decision Making conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Kolkata from 23 to 27 June 2014.
  7. Participated in the Campus Connect Soft Skills Workshop at Infosys Technologies Limited, Bhubaneswar from 1 to 3rd July 2010.
  8. Participated in a AICTE sponsored Staff Development Program on Theory and Practice of Mechanical Translation organized by ABIT, Cuttack from 7 to 20th January 2009.
  9. Successfully completed Induction Training Program, Module – I organized by Technical Teachers Training Institute, Eastern Region from 18 to 28th December 2001.
  10. Successfully Completed 14 days Internship in Press Trust of India, Bhubaneswar from 7 to 20th April 1997. Successfully Completed 14 days Internship in Eastern Media Limited, Bhubaneswar from 21th April to 4th May 1997.
  11. Participated in the National Seminar on Global Writings in English since 1980 held at Cuttack from 14 to 16th May, 2008.


  1. Presented a lecture on " Accent Neutralization" as a resource person for teachers training of senior secondary level of DAV schools on 14th May 2019.
  2. Acted as the Resource Person for Spoken English program under skill enhancement program at Godavaris Mahavidyalaya, Banpur, Orissa.
  3. Participated in the Campus Connect Soft Skills Workshop at Infosys Technologies Limited, Bhubaneswar from 1 to 3rd July 2010.
  4. Attended a workshop on Effective Classroom Teaching in the Classroom and Beyond conducted by British Council on 17th February 2010.
  1. Published a book titled "A Comprehensive Handbook of English Language" published by Asian Books Publishers (2021) ISBN 978-93-90970-44-5.
  2. Published a book titled "Soft Skills Manual: Tips for an Impressive Personality" published by Asian Books publishers (2020) ISBN No- 978-93-90238-90-3.
  3. Published a book titled "Emergence of Black Womanhood: A Study in the Major Novels of Toni Morrison and Alice Walker" Asian Books publishers (2020) ISBN No- 978-93-90238-32-3.
  4. Published a book chapter titled “Women as the marginalized self in the early Indian novels” in the book titled Revisiting Early Indian Fiction: Reading, writing, Society published by Authors Press with ISBN No- 978-93-90155-91-0.
* Successfully Completed 14 days Internship in Press Trust of India, Bhubaneswar from 7 to 20th April 1997. Successfully Completed 14 days Internship in Eastern Media Limited, Bhubaneswar from 21th April to 4th May 1997. * Successfully completed Induction Training Program, Module – I organized by Technical Teachers Training Institute, Eastern Region from 18 to 28th December 2001. * Participated in the International Convocation of Forum of Educators and Scholars of Tourism(FEAST) held at Chandigarh on 12 and 13th October 2002. * Participated in the National Seminar on Global Writings in English since 1980 held at Cuttack from 14 to 16th May, 2008. * Participated in a AICTE sponsored Staff Development Program on Theory and Practice of Mechanical Translation organized by ABIT, Cuttack from 7 to 20th January 2009. * Attended a workshop on Interpersonal Communication Skills conducted by British Council on 16th February 2010. * Attended a workshop on Effective Classroom Teaching in the Classroom and Beyond conducted by British Council on 17th February 2010. * Participated in the Campus Connect Soft Skills Workshop at Infosys Technologies Limited, Bhubaneswar from 1 to 3rd July 2010. * Successfully completed a Short Term Training Program on Organized Problem Solving and Decision Making conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Kolkata from 23 to 27 June 2014. * Participated in a National Seminar on Publishing and Editing conducted by PG Department of English, Utkal University from 28 to 29th March 2014. * Participated in GIAN course on Comparative literature for the Twenty First Century held at IIT, Bhubaneswar from 6th December 2017 to 16th December 2017. * Participated and presented a paper titled “Life Skills Through English” in the International Conference on English Studies Across and Beyond Borders (ICES,19) held at Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Jalandhar from 6th to 8th March 2019. * Presented a lecture on Accent Neutralization as a resource person for teachers training of senior secondary level of DAV schools on 14th May 2019. * Presented a paper titled “A Study of Self Identity in the Early Indian Novels” in the International Seminar on Revisiting Early Indian Fiction: Representation of Reading, Writing and Society held at Karanjia Autonomous College, Orissa on 22nd November 2019. * Chief Resource Person for Spoken English program under skill enhancement program at Godavaris Mahavidyalaya, Banpur, Orissa. * Successfully completed a SWAYAM two weeks TEQIP online certification program on Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process under the mentorship of IIT Mumbai. * Participated in a webinar for faculty development program programme on Outcome Based Education Software under mentorship of VM edulife. * Participated in a 3day webinar FDP on Digital Era of Teaching conducted by Diksoochi, Mysore from 11th to 13th May 2020. * Participated in a Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Academic Writing conducted by Sri Sri University on 25th May 2020. * completed a NTPEL MOOC on soft skills from IIT Roorkee. * Completed a 15 days Industrial Training Programme in NTPC SAIL Power Company Limited, Bhilai from 11th to 26th May 2021. * Participated in the International Conference on Recent Advancements in the areas of Science, Technology, Business, Economics, Management, Social Sciences, Humanities & Travel-Tourism organized by Indian Academicians and Researchers Association in association with Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand on 9th December 2022.
* Worked as the Chairman, Sports Council in Orissa Engineering College during 2003-05. * Member, Disciplinary Committee, Publication Committee and Anti Ragging Committee in Orissa Engineering College. * Deputed as Center Supervisor for BPUT University Examinations. * Worked as the Hostel Superintendent during my service at ABIT, Cuttack. * Member DRC and Board of Studies for Department of Humanities at VSSUT, Burla. * Presently working as the Asst. Warden, Visakha Hall of Residence, VSSUT, Burla * Faculty Co-ordinator, Galaxy cultural Society, VSSUT, Burla
Present Address : 
Dr. Prasanta Kumar Padhi Dept. of Humanities VSSUT, Burla Sambalpur, Orissa
  Permanent Address : 
Dr. Prasanta Kumar Padhi C/O- Kuber Kumar Padhi At- Gopinathpur Po- Balugaon Dt- Khordha Odisha, 752030